Egyptian-themed tattoos are very popular in the tattoo world right now. This is because, in addition to their detailed designs, these types of tattoos hide many stories and meanings that people want to convey with them. Although hieroglyphics are the most recognized design, there is one very popular Egyptian tattoo design and that are the Anubis tattoos.
But, what does it mean to get an Anubis tattoos? To understand this better, we first need to know a little more about this ancient Egyptian god.
Anubis is the god of the dead, a deity with a human body and a dog’s head. Are you curious to know what’s behind the Anubis tattoo? We’ll tell you the true meaning of this tattoo.

People who get the Anubis tattoo do so as a symbol of protection and guidance towards the unknown, or to represent the end of one stage in life and the beginning of another. Since in Egyptian mythology he is in charge of protecting and guiding the dead when they arrive in the underworld.
Meaning of Anubis: tattoo and symbolism
The legend of the God Anubis tells that he is the illegitimate son of the god Osiris and the goddess Neftis (although it has also been said that he is the son of Seth, or even Ra).
Anubis helped Isis and Neftis in the reconstruction of Osiris’ body when he was killed by Seth, so Anubis is considered the precursor of the mummification technique. He is also in charge of welcoming the dead to the afterlife, mummifies them to make them eternal, purifies their souls and evaluates them with his balance of good and evil.

Anubis is represented with a human body and a black Egyptian dog or jackal head. The black color was due to the putrefaction of bodies in their tombs. It is believed that his association with the jackal’s head is precisely because this animal had the habit of digging up the dead to feed on them, and therefore linked the God of the Dead with the canine. In his representations, he also carries an Egyptian cross or Anj, the traditional Egyptian headcloth Nemes (striped veil) or a scepter.
What are its main meanings?
Protection from death
It is a very important religious and spiritual symbol for Egyptian culture, whose main meaning is the protection of those who have left the earthly life, since, according to the story, the mission of this god was to guide the dead in this passage, that is, the deity led them to their corresponding tombs, being himself the guardian of the cemeteries and temples.
Passage to eternal life: guard and accompaniment
It is, therefore, the second meaning of tattoos that represent Anubis, the passage to the other life. As if on a balance, this god evaluated the actions and decided whether the person in question deserved the passage to eternal life or if their destiny would be very different.
Fertility and rebirth
Anubis’ head is black, just the color and symbol of fertility and rebirth for this culture, so this would be another of the meanings attributed to this type of tattoos.
Symbol of good luck
Protector of the dead, it may seem strange to think that it is also a symbol of good luck, right? But it is true that it was and, therefore, so are the tattoos in which this well-known god is represented. Guide, protection, and shelter, those who wear it on their skin want Anubis to give them hope and good fortune in this life and in the next.
Symbolism of Anubis in tattoos
Anubis was considered the protector of the dead and the guide of souls to the afterlife. An Anubis tattoo could symbolize the search for spiritual protection and guidance in difficult or transitional moments in life.

This character played a role in the judgment of souls in the afterlife, weighing the heart of the deceased against the feather of truth. This act symbolized the search for justice and balance in life after death. An Anubis tattoo could reflect the importance of living a just and ethical life.
What is the best area of the body to get a tattoo of Anubis?
There isn’t a better place than another, but rather one that is more suitable depending on the size of the design itself. Maybe you just want to tattoo the head of this god, if so, you can look for an area that interests you, such as a thigh, a part of the back or an arm.
If you want to place your tattoo on the back, you can draw Anubis complete and accompany it with other objects, such as those we have mentioned before.
Current designs with a 3D finish are also a good choice for the back or arms, especially if you combine the deity with the pyramid. It’s like it comes to life! And don’t even get me started if you add a note of color to one or several of the elements.
Remember that it’s not necessary for the design to be large, yes, it’s true that it needs to have space to be seen well, but that’s compatible with small tattoos that are located, for example, on the wrist. In fact, simple or even minimalist models are very suitable, especially if you already have several tattoos on your skin.
About Author

- Hello everyone! My name is Jade Blunt, and I'm a passionate tattoo enthusiast. Let me share a bit about my life and my journey in the world of ink and skin.
Ever since I was a child, I've been drawn to art and creativity in all its forms. However, it was when I turned 18 that I discovered my true passion: tattoos. I remember my first tattoo, a small design on my wrist that marked the beginning of an adventure that would change my life forever.
As my love for tattoos grew, so did my desire to learn more about this fascinating art. I started researching, talking to talented tattoo artists, and immersing myself in the history and culture of tattoos. Every tattoo tells a story, and I wanted to be a part of that narrative.
Over time, I decided to share my passion with the world through my blog, "Tattoo Gun Machine." In this space, I strive to provide valuable information about tattoos, from tips for tattooed skin care to stories of innovative tattoo artists and inspiring designs. My goal is to educate and inspire those who share my love for tattoos, as well as to demystify some of the stigmas surrounding this art form.
My blog has become a corner of the web where the tattoo-loving community can connect, share ideas, and explore new trends. I've also had the privilege of interviewing some of the most talented tattoo artists in the world, who share their unique experiences and knowledge within my pages.
But my journey in the world of tattoos doesn't stop here. I'm always on the lookout for new inspiration and challenges. I dream of one day opening my own tattoo studio, where I can bring my own designs to life and continue contributing to this form of artistic expression.
So, if you share my passion for tattoos or are simply interested in learning more about this exciting world, I invite you to join me on my journey at "Tattoo Gun Machine." Together, we can explore the art, culture, and beauty of tattoos as we continue to ink our stories onto the canvas of life. I'll see you on my blog!