Anyone who has even a slight interest in the seventh art, can recognize the presence of Sylvester Stallone on the big screen. A presence that not everyone enjoys, as many people think that he has a very limited talent for acting, despite the huge public impact he generates.
Sylvester Stallone Tattoos
Although we have seen different tattoos on Stallone’s body in some of his movies, the truth is that all of them were created with the help of makeup. The tattoos that can be seen on his torso and back now were done when he was already over 40.

Do you want to know what Stallone has tattooed on his body? Let’s take a closer look.
- On his right shoulder, he has a beautiful portrait of Jennifer Flavin, the woman he has been sharing his life with for more than 20 years. A wonderful portrait surrounded by three red roses, which refer to the three daughters that the couple has in common, whose names appear on a band on his back. A little to the left, completing this design, there is a beautiful Bengal tiger’s head amidst the foliage.
- On his left shoulder, there is a set of tattoos related to each other, where Jennifer’s intense green-eyed gaze stands out, a white horse’s head, and a skull with its jaw open. Although Stallone has not said anything about them and their relationship, everything suggests that they symbolize what his marriage means to him.
- Covering a large part of his back, there is the figure of a fallen angel, personified as a woman, whose feet are surrounded by a pair of snakes emerging from the top of a skull that is held by a sharp dagger.
Sylvester Stallone, a Man of Action
Despite what many people may think, Stallone is a man with a great deal of creative ability. Few people know that his first major success, Rocky, was entirely created by his own mind. A film that he desperately wanted to star in (despite the producers’ initial opposition), for which he was nominated for an Oscar as Best Actor and also as Best Screenwriter.
Thanks to this explosive success, which was followed by other installments of the most famous boxer on the big screen, Stallone became one of the most recognizable faces of 80s and early 90s cinema. A golden age, especially for action movies, in which Sylvester Stallone starred in another of his most iconic films, Rambo.
Established as one of the great names of the action genre, he continued to rack up successes (and a few flops) until the mid-1990s. After a few years away from big productions and some not-so-good titles, he rose from the ashes by reviving his most beloved character, Rocky Balboa.
Sylvester Stallone Replaces Wife’s Tattoo with Dog’s Image After Divorce
In the midst of the rumors, Sylvester Stallone has now appeared with a change that has surprised all his fans. The American actor had Jennifer Flavin’s face tattooed on his right arm, but recently a photo was shared showing that it had been replaced by an image of Rocky’s loyal companion, Butkus.
Although the photo quickly began to be spread on social media, Stallone’s publicist claimed that the intention was not to change the design of the tattoo, but rather that an error had to be covered up, which resulted in the original design being obscured.
About Author

- Hello everyone! My name is Jade Blunt, and I'm a passionate tattoo enthusiast. Let me share a bit about my life and my journey in the world of ink and skin.
Ever since I was a child, I've been drawn to art and creativity in all its forms. However, it was when I turned 18 that I discovered my true passion: tattoos. I remember my first tattoo, a small design on my wrist that marked the beginning of an adventure that would change my life forever.
As my love for tattoos grew, so did my desire to learn more about this fascinating art. I started researching, talking to talented tattoo artists, and immersing myself in the history and culture of tattoos. Every tattoo tells a story, and I wanted to be a part of that narrative.
Over time, I decided to share my passion with the world through my blog, "Tattoo Gun Machine." In this space, I strive to provide valuable information about tattoos, from tips for tattooed skin care to stories of innovative tattoo artists and inspiring designs. My goal is to educate and inspire those who share my love for tattoos, as well as to demystify some of the stigmas surrounding this art form.
My blog has become a corner of the web where the tattoo-loving community can connect, share ideas, and explore new trends. I've also had the privilege of interviewing some of the most talented tattoo artists in the world, who share their unique experiences and knowledge within my pages.
But my journey in the world of tattoos doesn't stop here. I'm always on the lookout for new inspiration and challenges. I dream of one day opening my own tattoo studio, where I can bring my own designs to life and continue contributing to this form of artistic expression.
So, if you share my passion for tattoos or are simply interested in learning more about this exciting world, I invite you to join me on my journey at "Tattoo Gun Machine." Together, we can explore the art, culture, and beauty of tattoos as we continue to ink our stories onto the canvas of life. I'll see you on my blog!