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My Tattoo Didn’t Turn Out How I Wanted

My Tattoo Didn't Turn Out How I Wanted
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Before getting a tattoo, you have to think and reflect a lot. But it’s not always something that people consider. And when you’re not really sure what you want, you can make a huge mistake. I know, I’ve regretted a tattoo of mine and had to fix it later.

If you’re getting a tattoo and it’s going to be part of a cultural and artistic movement, you should respect that, respect the art of tattoos, and respect yourself. But not everyone thinks about that, and what do you do after?

The question I’m going to answer today is one that unfortunately comes up a lot, and just like every week. As you know, here at TattooGunMachine, we love receiving the tattoos you send us in our submission email. But we also get a lot of questions and requests for help from people who are unhappy with their tattoos.

For all of them, and also for those who want to keep this in mind or know how to advise a friend who’s in the same situation, I invite you to try to find a solution or an answer to the question: what do I do if I’m not satisfied with my tattoo?

Tattoo Didn’t Turn Out How I Wanted: my own story

Hey friends, as I mentioned earlier, I went through the same situation and that’s one of the good reasons why I’d like to tackle this topic.

When I was a teenager, due to my deep foolishness, I got a really bad tattoo. Although I wasn’t yet 18, at the time it wasn’t as big of an issue as it is today, fortunately.

As we know, in most countries, minors under the age of 18 can’t get tattoos without their parents’ consent, and the tattoo artists who do it without consent can face severe penalties. Obviously, I didn’t have my parents’ consent, and my tattoo artist didn’t care either.

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The design was basic and simple, the session wasn’t particularly painful, and it was all done in under an hour. It was located on my back, on my right scapula, and although it seemed like a good tattoo at first, over time it started to lose its meaning and I didn’t like it as much. Not to mention how much I made my parents feel bad for not getting their consent.

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Once I turned 18, I went straight to a new studio to fix the problem. I covered it up with a lily in black and gray, which not only completely covered the old design but also had a lot to do with the situation and the fact that I had made that decision.

What to do if I’m not satisfied with my tattoo?

After the tattoo is done, you can regret it, but it’s already done, anyway. What’s left is to find a solution and fix the situation. To do that, you need to think and reflect without falling into unpleasant feelings of guilt and regret, and definitely not make a fool of yourself.

Many people think they can fix this on their own and easily, or that they’ll save some money, but the truth is that’s a huge mistake and they’ll only make things worse.

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Thinking about possible alternatives

Reflecting on what to do with a bad tattoo is essential. There are different ways to change the situation.

Firstly, there’s the possibility of changing, retouching or repairing the design. You can visit a professional studio and talk to the tattoo artist about the problem, who will suggest various options and you can agree on the best one together.

Modifying the tattoo

The tattoo artist can redesign the tattoo, modify it, retouch it, add colors or add things to make it look better. But be careful: the tattoo artist is not a magician, they can help you and modify your tattoo, but they can’t make magic happen. This will depend on many factors, such as the depth of the design, the colors and especially the size of the tattoo, among other things.

That’s why I personally think it’s best to cover it up, that is, to cover the tattoo with a new one. But, again, this also depends on many factors and in some cases, it’s better to start thinking about removing it completely.

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Removing the tattoo

If the design can’t be modified and it’s not possible to cover it up, what’s left is to remove it and to reflect on the topic again, to know which is the best way to remove the tattoo.

The truth is that there are many options and many of them we’ve seen in detail before, right?

Let’s review, one can remove a tattoo:

  • Naturally, with balm.
  • With creams, using a treatment with profade.
  • With acid, using trichloroacetic acid.
  • With laser, generally considered the most effective.
  • With ultrasound, one of the most innovative techniques.

Each of these techniques has its benefits and drawbacks, some are more expensive than others and as a consequence, also more or less effective than others. What you should always keep in mind is that if you want to remove a tattoo and get good results, don’t worry about the money. If it’s expensive but works, do it and that’s it.

It’s worth mentioning that the next time you go to get a tattoo, you’ll have to think twice.

Generally, people regret their tattoos because they’re of poor quality, because they no longer mean what they used to mean to them or in special cases, when it’s about names or tattoos related to an ex-partner.

In short, we all make mistakes.

Have you ever regretted a tattoo? What did you do to change it?

About Author

Jade Blunt | Tattoo Gun Machine
Jade Blunt | Tattoo Gun Machine
Hello everyone! My name is Jade Blunt, and I'm a passionate tattoo enthusiast. Let me share a bit about my life and my journey in the world of ink and skin.

Ever since I was a child, I've been drawn to art and creativity in all its forms. However, it was when I turned 18 that I discovered my true passion: tattoos. I remember my first tattoo, a small design on my wrist that marked the beginning of an adventure that would change my life forever.

As my love for tattoos grew, so did my desire to learn more about this fascinating art. I started researching, talking to talented tattoo artists, and immersing myself in the history and culture of tattoos. Every tattoo tells a story, and I wanted to be a part of that narrative.

Over time, I decided to share my passion with the world through my blog, "Tattoo Gun Machine." In this space, I strive to provide valuable information about tattoos, from tips for tattooed skin care to stories of innovative tattoo artists and inspiring designs. My goal is to educate and inspire those who share my love for tattoos, as well as to demystify some of the stigmas surrounding this art form.

My blog has become a corner of the web where the tattoo-loving community can connect, share ideas, and explore new trends. I've also had the privilege of interviewing some of the most talented tattoo artists in the world, who share their unique experiences and knowledge within my pages.

But my journey in the world of tattoos doesn't stop here. I'm always on the lookout for new inspiration and challenges. I dream of one day opening my own tattoo studio, where I can bring my own designs to life and continue contributing to this form of artistic expression.

So, if you share my passion for tattoos or are simply interested in learning more about this exciting world, I invite you to join me on my journey at "Tattoo Gun Machine." Together, we can explore the art, culture, and beauty of tattoos as we continue to ink our stories onto the canvas of life. I'll see you on my blog!
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